Thursday, December 20, 2012


It's been a year now since I started writing "Wren In The Willow"...
When I started writing this blog my goal was for it to express my Christian walk as a woman, wife and mother and to show how the Lord helps me through the everyday things in life. I wanted it to be a witnessing tool to those that are searching for joy and peace... the joy and peace that can only be truly had in HIM and HIS perfect love... 

I remember a good friend told me that I should go back after a couple months and read my first few writings and then see if my 'goal' is holding true...or if I am swaying away from the original purpose.  I've taken that advice several times and I believe that it has held true. I think Wren has grown ... like me... my Christian walk I hope is continuing to grow as I am nurtured in and through His Word.

Like a child, it can only grow when fed and nurtured properly... with milk, fruit and veggies and wholesome food.  Our children can't grow when fed pop and candy and all the junk food that is available.  A child needs it's parents to teach it right and wrong, feed it uplifting and up building things and care for it's spiritual growth... more is caught than taught is a very true saying.
Neither can a Christian grow with the things of the world... we must grow in and through Him... through daily devotions and meditations on His word. 

Wren, like I said in the beginning was my 'new baby'... I personally think she is growing beautifully and I certainly hope that you have enjoyed reading her over the last year as much as I have enjoyed sharing my heart with you...

Until next time,

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