Monday, May 7, 2012

Slow Down...

"Always leave home with a tender goodbye and loving words. They may be the last."  Hill

How often do we mutter a quick 'good bye' or a hurried 'see ya later' as we are rushing out the door?  Probably more often than we think or wish to realize I am afraid.  We all allow ourselves to get too busy in life, after all there are things that need to get done, right? Of course there is, but  where do say, 'OK, this is enough'?   Where do we draw the line of need's to and want's to?  Troubles can often steal the seeds of happiness in ones life before they can even be planted.  We need to guard those seeds carefully.  Our children, spouses, friends as well as acquaintances need always to feel and sense our love.

Our little guy Evan is sick right now.  He has the same terrible head & chest cold I had the other week.  I look into his little face and hear him cough and it just breaks my heart.  He has been so whiny with it and just not his happy~go~lucky little self.   As I look on the above quote and think how quickly our loved ones can be snatched into eternity, it reminds me of how important showing that love is.  Take the time to hold their hands, listen to their stories, wipe their tears and of course say a tender good bye...

Until next time,

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