Monday, August 20, 2012


"The simple fact that the believer always experiences something and the unbeliever never does should tell us a great deal. Only the true Christian is sure the sun has risen!"  Tozer

As I read this statement I thought about it awhile and reminisced over how much the Lord has done for me over the years since I have been saved... they are too many to mention.

Our friends have been baling straw and storing it in one of our out-buildings.  There are literally hundreds of bales and they are stacked about ten high... they are almost to the ceiling.  Anyway, this is a great playground for little boys as I am sure you can imagine.  Ryan(10 years) and Evan (4 1/2years) were helping unload and were playing.  Well, this is a great mountain to climb to boys and a real adventure... Evan was quite the mountain climber when he slipped through a few bales and got himself stuck... Thankfully the men and other boys were all around and pulled him out.  Evan later told Taylor that he wasn't afraid because he prayed to God and he knew He would help him out... oh for the faith of a child... 

Evan loves to be read to and he truly enjoys the Bible story books that I read to him and Aaron... they both sit with wide eyes and Evan is always full of questions.  It's these times of sharing and closeness that I believe will have the lasting impact on them.  It's times when the older boys still run and tell me that they couldn't find something and then they prayed and sure enough God showed them where it is... of for the faith of a child...

It's this faith that I believe Tozer is talking about here... As believers we know in our hearts that God is there watching over us and taking care of all our needs.  He is ever faithful and full of grace for the believer... the broken and contrite spirit that cries out to Him He always hears.

Until next time,

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